Brought onboard as a select vendor partner, LSM oversees the core components and ongoing expansion of the National Space and Technology Association's website. NSTA's vision is to become a centralized Internet-Intranet portal, which will serve as a major hub for the sharing of intelligent information between the space and high technology industries and the general public.
The first generation site release will assist NSTA in promoting and solidifying its industry importance. From there, the website will help track membership interest and enrollment as the association grows to include web-based resources and specialized modules. This is all foundational work toward a mega site.
"It's a truth that bears repeating on occasion: It's always good to work with honest professionals with Integrity. Such is the case with Todd Sagissor and his team of professionals at Launch Site Media. They have worked tirelessly and dedicatedly to the task of designing, developing and launching our plan for a global portal for the National Space & Technology Association. They have become an integral part of our Development Committee's job of crafting a first class national association. It is with great pride and a thankful heart that I fully and enthusiastically recommend Launch Site Media as the first and only choice to anyone seeking to make a good first impression on the Internet."
Wallace R. Wood
NSTA - National Space & Technology Association
Houston, Texas
“I have heard it said that quality is exceeding the customer’s expectations. If that is true, and I think it is, I can fully recommend Launch Site Media to anyone as a professional vendor that offers the highest quality of both service and product. The NSTA web site project was on target, on time, and delivered without a hitch”
Bruce Lyngaas - President/COO
National Space and Technology Association (NSTA)